Let's Know About Me

My name is Yuspayanti, usually called Ulhfa. The reason why my parents gave me that name is because Yuspa comes from Arabic, namely “shaafin” which means holy, and ulhfa, which means thousand, so the meaning of the name Yuspayanti ulhfa is a thousand words that are holy. I really like and proud of this name because I think it is very unique and rarely owned by other people. I'm a girl who like fashion and self improvement enthusiast in my life. I am currently serving as Miss Hijab Social Yogyakarta in 2023

My first language is Melayu because I was born and grew up in Malaysia. Even though both of my parents came from South Sulawesi ethnic Bugis,  the first language I was taught is Malay because it adapted to the place where my family lived and where I was born and lived. Then, my second language is English because we know that English is the second language in Malaysia, so I have to know and understand how to speak English, and my parents really encouraged me to be able to speak English. Besides English, my second language is Indonesian because, when I was in vocational high school, I got a full study scholarship to study in Indonesia, Malang, East Java. The first time when I lived in Indonesia, I had great difficulty understanding and speaking Indonesian because I thought the words were very difficult to understand and the environment was not supportive because my friends almost every day speak Javanese and very rarely use Indonesian. With environment conditions like this, it makes me depressed because I really confused and I think it is difficult to be in an environment like that where the two languages I want to achieve are all limited " English and Indonesian”. When I was in Indonesia I felt my vocabulary in English was reduced because I never spoke English anymore, like when I was in Malaysia. But after I continued studying at the University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with a major English education department, I felt a very good change in my second language from before because my environment is supportive, such as my lecturer and my friends from various provinces, and in everyday we speak in two languages, namely English and Indonesian, so I can understand both well and correctly.

The first time I learned my second language, “English” was when I was in elementary school, and I really liked the method my teacher taught me by memorizing vocabulary and practicing every day how to write sentences and speak English. Besides that, my teacher always makes the situation in the class fun. For example, she sings English songs, so I’m not frustrated with learning English, and it is easy to understand when my teacher explains the structure of English. So my teacher really helped me to improve my second language, and I think this method is really good and helped me to learn English because I really enjoyed it. I also learned from my environment, such as my family and my friends, which really helped me to improve my second language because they often combine two languages, English and Malay, in their daily life so I always ask them if I don’t understand the meaning. Besides learning English from my teacher and my environment, I also learned autodidactically by watching television every day, which uses English subtitles, joining competitions such as speech and story telling, and then learning by social media such as YouTube and Instagram, reading the dictionary every day, and memorizing at least ten vocabulary words.

In addiction, my second language is "Indonesia.” As time goes by, I always try and make plans that one day I want to speak Indonesian well and fluently. To achieve this, I always join competitions such as speech and short movie competitions. And then, I learned from my friends on my campus who came from various provinces, and all of them used Indonesian correctly and well. Without I realizing it, when I spoke more and more Indonesian every day with my friends, my Indonesian became better than before, and I gained more vocabulary. So now my second language, “English and Indonesia,” is better than before.

In my opinion and based on my experience, the best way to learn our second language is to have an environment that supports us and always practiced every day. I think it is very successful to use this method because, except I improve my second language, it can also can increase my self-confidence. So there are some methods or ways that I used to improve my second language. I think these methods are very effective and successful for me because, by memorizing vocabulary and practicing everyday and have a good environment, we can improve our second language, and I've still used this method until now.



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